Saturday Science Workshops 2024-2025
Location: This year our workshops will include both in person and zoom session.
Confirm your registration at the links below. You will receive an invitation via email one week before the workshop.
All workshops will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. and end at 12:00 noon.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact SFSI (Susan McIntosh) at:
tel: 505-231-0493
September 21 In Person Rio Grande School, 715 Camino Cabra
“Land Art Workshop: Connecting People and Nature through Art Gr K-12
Explore how art, science, and the environment are interconnected in this hands-on workshop focused on land art and the artists that create these works.
Instructors: Mollie Parsons– Educator, Cerise Consulting
Melissa Merritt – Artist & Art Teacher
October 19 In Person Santa Fe Girls’ School, 310 W. Zia Rd
“Native Pollinators of New Mexico” Gr K-6
Exploring samples of insects, especially pollinators, and the plants that they visit into the science classroom, through
observation and documentation, modeling, and hands-on exploration.
Instructor: Olivia Carril – Educator / SFSI Consultant
November 09 In Person Mandela International Magnet School. – 1604 Agua Fria St.
“Science Literacy – Critical Thinking and Comprehension of Science Concepts in Non-Fiction Text” Gr K-6
Engaging students with Non-Fiction science text – Using Text Structures to understand and write about science concepts.
Instructor: Diane Garber– Educator and ELA Consultant
January 25 TBA
“Schoolyard Birding” Gr K-6
Learn about some of the common bird species found in Santa Fe, how to identify and observe birds at home
and at school and collect and use observational data in your classroom.
Instructor: Katie Weeks – Director of Education, Audubon Southwest
February 08 In Person Mandela International Magnet School. – 1604 Agua Fria St.
“Getting Little Feet Wet – Project Wet” Gr PK-2
This workshop provides action and science-focused water education using diverse water topics to inspire educators to
teach young children through objective, experiential activities that support a water sustainable future.
Instructor: Julie Hasty – Director of Education, Santa Fe Watershed Association
March – TBA
“Science Literacy”
April 26 In Person Acequia Madre Elementary. – 700 Acequia Madre Street
“Garden Adventures with Mollie & Marta” Gr K-8
Get outside with your kids this spring! Learn how to combine hands-on garden activities with life science curriculum.
Instructors: Mollie Parsons– Educator, Cerise Consulting
Marta Gyeviki – Garden Coordinator Acequia Madre